Com Tec Co (CTC) IT services delivery center in Latvia


Privacy Policy

This is LLC “C.T.CO” Privacy policy applicable to LLC “C.T.CO” and its employees, as well as its potential employees, and this document should be read and interpreted accordingly.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is developed to promote and maintain the core principles of C.T.Co in conducting its business. The topics included in this Code of Conduct are intended as guides to fair and ethical business approach in all it aspects.

Whistleblowing Rules

The purpose of whistleblowing is to detect and prevent violations in the Company in a timely manner, as well as to promote the rule of law and to eliminate certain non-compliances in the Company and society altogether.

Quality and Operations Policy

It is the vision of C.T.Co to be a world-class leader in software development and to be solutions' provider for top-tier companies in the reinsurance, insurance and financial services industries.

C.T.Co provides services and products, which consistently meet and exceed the expectations and specifications of our customers. C.T.Co continuously improves the quality and security of services, products and processes to deliver solutions of the highest value to our customers for their complete satisfaction.

C.T.Co maintains outstanding relationships with customers, employees, shareholders, partners and the general public in order to preserve the reputation of the company and strengthen its brand name.

Through excellence in quality service and product delivery to the customers, C.T.Co ensures a confident future for employees and shareholders.

Approval date: 31.05.2019

Quality Management System Certificate: ISO 9001:2015

Certificate No: 192319-2015-AQ-LVA-FINAS

Valid: 05.01.2022–04.01.2025

Initial certification date: 05.01.2004

Information Security Management Policy

Being a leading participant in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry it is our responsibility to provide trustworthy, reliable and continuous outcomes in all aspects of C.T.Co business areas, including security management.

Being an expert in ICT industry with more than 20 years of practical experience and following best industry practices, C.T.Co has implemented a security framework based on ISO/IEC 27001 information security management system.

Company information systems and databases storing intellectual property as well as other non-public information are critical resources constituting a valuable asset for the C.T.Co sustainable viability.

One of the main targets of C.T.Co is to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

C.T.Co. ensures continuous implementation and update of information security management policies, guidelines, rules including those related to risk/threat monitoring, evaluation and preventive actions to be compliant with for providing world-leading services.

Information Security Management System Certificate: ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Certificate No: 88824

Valid until: 31.10.2025

Initial certification date: 13.12.2017

Energy Management Policy

By implementing Energy Management System, the Company plans continuous process improvement and ensures the necessary resources to achieve the objectives and energy targets in terms of energy use, consumption, and energy efficiency.

When dealing with suppliers and when making investments, the Company will support the procurements and design activities that consider energy performance improvement.

In terms of Energy Management System operation and improvement, we are committed:

  • to comply with all applicable legislation as well as other identified requirements related to energy use, consumption, and energy efficiency;
  • to set the objectives and energy targets aimed at reducing energy consumption and review them at regular intervals;
  • in decision-making at all levels to take into account the potential impact on energy use, consumption and energy efficiency;
  • to promote the involvement of our staff, as well as will carry out necessary trainings and availability of information exchanges to ensure that each employee is aware of the impact of their work on energy efficiency;
  • to use energy resources sustainably and rationally to the extent necessary to maintain the Company's work environment and to ensure the service provided.

Thus, we are committed to improving energy performance and Energy Management System continuously.

Approval date: 24.04.2023

Energy Management System Certificate: ISO 50001:2018

Certificate No: 250498-2017-AE-LVA-FINAS

Valid: 01.12.2023 - 30.11.2026

Initial certification date: 30.11.2017